Tips for Instagram Images


- Use Correct Instagram Size Images

It’s worse if the image you uploaded gets cutoff. That really makes a negative impact on your audience and revert your engagements. Even they can stop following you. 
Try to use the image of the size that fits the category in which you’re uploading the photo. Your image should be sized correctly and appealing because a study shows that brighter photos get 592% more likes than the darker.

Instagram sizes are as follows:

  • Instagram profile photo: 320x320 px
  • Instagram square photos: 1080x1080 px
  • Instagram portrait photos: 1080x1350 px
  • Instagram landscape photos: 1080x566 px
  • Instagram stories/IGTV: 1080x1920 px


- Add a Location To Every Post

If you want to boost your exposure and improve Instagram engagements, you need to add a location every time you post.

Many studies showed that an Instagram post, that is having a location-tagged, gets more engagements comparative to the other posts. When you tag a location to your post, this helps the people who belong to your locality to recognize you and your business.
Any person who is searching for an Instagram post in their city will come across your post and this will be a good opportunity to start a conversation.
For example, if you post a story from a festival in Canberra, you can tag a location and your story will be appeared in that location’s Instagram Stories.

Final Thought:

You should follow these steps to increase your Instagram engagements. Another way to boost your Instagram engagements is to Buy Instagram Followers Australia. In this way, You can increase your engagements in a very less time and without following any long run way,
